This Y-SNP has tested positive for only two submissions: McKown (1) and McCown (1).
There are around five good testing candidates for L627 testing that were found:
1) With the Y-Search query, eleven submissions that have not been tested that were higher than 70 % of the DNA fingerprint. These submissions are more speculative than normal since several submissions have tested negative to date. However, some of these submisisons would probably test positive. The following submissions would be good testing candidates: Maguire (GBU3A), Fox (4VAB4), Corrigan (W4SJH), MacAuley (R7HZU), O'Donoughue (7WX3X), Golliher (HPWFP), Brady (65YZ6), Breen (C3U8M), McMahon (NTJBU), Hale (P74NX) and McKeon (YPEJH).
2) Since the scope of this Y-SNP has been tested significantly (probably via the random deep clade testing), there are many other submissions (70 to 90 % match) of the DNA fingerprint that would be lower odd testing candidates. See the DNA Results spreadsheet for these candidates. Also, only one submission per surname was selected above. If other surnames tested positive, obviously all submissions with that surname would become very good testing candidates as well.
The DNA results spreadsheet includes eleven somewhat speculative candidates (greater than 70 % of the DNA fingerprint where 70 % of the submissions have tested negative). The higher on the spreadsheet, the more likely of testing positive for this Y-SNP.