Birch Bryan Smith

Birch (Bryan) Smith, photograph ca. 1910, Hill County, TX

Analysis of L580 SNP


Classification of SNP: Private.

Estimated Breadth of SNP: 2 to 4 submissions.

Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (March, 2012) - Very Good - Both possible good testing candidates have both tested positive now.

Dominant Surnames (positive): Norris - 173880 (1) and Walters - 134278 (1).

Year that SNPs were discovered: 2010 (estimate).

Source of SNP: Norris - FTDNA ID 173880 and Y-Search 9WE7X.

Number of Positive Tests (March, 2012): Two known.

Number of Negative Broad Tests (October, 2011): Only 11.

Number of Negative Tests within Fingerprint (70 % match): None.

Possible Candidates (70 % match): Only two known.

Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): None known.



L21 Off Modal Mutations:

Markers 1 to 37: 385a >= 13, 439 <= 11, 454 <= 10, 447 >= 26, 437 <= 14, 448 >= 20, 464a <= 14, 464c <= 15, 460 >= 12, GATA-H4 >= 12, YCAIIb <= 19, 456 <= 15 and 570 >= 18 (13 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 395S1a >= 16, 406S1 <= 9 and 534 <= 14 (3 mutations).


Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

Both L580+ submissions are 67 marker matches.


Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

None found within Y-Search query.

R-L21 Plus Project Signature: None found.


Note: There is only one very good testing candidate that has not been tested. Any lower odds candidate would be very speculative since the DNA fingerprint match is less than 50 %.