Classification of SNP: Private.
Estimated Breadth of SNP: 4 to 6 submissions.
Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (December, 2011) - Above average - Seven tested out of 35 possible candidates (over 70 % match of DNA fingerprint). However, only two tests were positive and five were negative within fingerprint.
Dominant Surnames (positive): McKown (1) and McCown (1).
Year that SNPs were discovered: 2008 (estimate).
Source of SNP: Not FTDNA WTY - Unknown.
Number of Positive Tests (October, 2011): Two known.
Number of Negative Broad Tests (December, 2011): Over 1,110.
Number of Negative Tests within Fingerprint (70 %): Five found.
Possible Candidates (70 % match): Around 35 (lower odds since over 70 % of tests within fingerprint have tested negative).
Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): Probably several with deep clade testing.
L21 Off Modal Mutations:
Markers 1 to 37: 390 >= 25, 458 <= 15, 437 >= 16, 448 <= 18, 449 <= 29, 464b >= 16, 464d >= 18, 456 >= 18 and 576 <= 17 (9 mutations).
Markers 38 to 67: 406S1 >= 11, 481 >= 24, 617 >= 13 and 640 >= 12 (4 mutations).
Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):
DNA Fingerprint match (13 out of 13) and GD = 2.
Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):
DNA Fingerprint match (10 out of 13) and GD = 5.
DNA Signature (Walsh): 513-1113-A-2-M.
Markers 1 to 37: 390 = 25, 437 = 16 and 448 = 18 (3 mutations).
Markers 38 to 67: 406S1 >= 11, 617 >= 13 and 640 = 12 (3 mutations).
Note: There are least four very good testing candidates that have not been tested. Any lower odds candidates (70 to 90 % fingerprint match) would be more speculative since most submisisons have tested negative at higher than than a 70 % DNA fingerprint match.