William and Malinda Bellomy

William Bellomy and Malinda (Wininger) Bellomy, photograph ca. 1870, Jackson County, AL

Analysis of L69.5 SNP


Classification of SNP: Small branch. L69.5 is a son of L513 and P66 is a son of L69.5. There is also two L69 parallel mutations under L21. Those that have L513+ are L69.5 while those that are L513- are L69.4. The ISOGG haplotree qualification rules only allow a maximum of two parallel mutations to be added to the haplotree. Unfortunately, the L69 has at least five documented parallel mutations discovered to date. Since L69.5 is now proven to be the father of P66 and P66 is already on the ISOGG and FTDNA haplotrees, maybe an exception will be made for adding L69.5 to the haplotree. L69.5 also qualifies for the genetic diversity rule as submissions McGuire (N2051) and Corrigan (N10033) have a genetic distance of ten (minimum required genetic distance required at 67 markers). Additionally, the breadth of this branch is around 100 submissions, so the genetic distance will surely increase as more submissions are confirmed L69.5 positive.

Estimated Breadth of SNP (over 70 % match): Between 80 and 100.

Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (December, 2011) - Above average - there are twelve known L69.5 positive submissions known to date (all over 70 % match of the L69.5 fingerprint).

Dominant Surnames (positive at 67 markers): Byrne (3), McGuire variants (3) McCown variants (2), Corrigan (2), Gurry (1) and McManus (1).

Year that SNPs were discovered: 2009 (estimate).

Source of SNP: FTDNA WTY - McGuire, FTDNA 143742, Y-Search 5729F.

Number of Positive Tests (December, 2011 - 67 markers): Twelve known.

Number of Negative Broad Tests (December, 2011): Only four known (must have tested L513+ and L69- to be considered L69.5-). There many L69- where L513 has not been tested to date.

Number of Negative Tests within Fingerprint (over 70 % match): None.

Possible Untested Candidates (over 70 % match): Around 80.

Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): None known.



L21 Off Modal Mutations:

Markers 1 to 37: 390 >= 25, 458 <= 16, 437 >= 16, 448 <= 18, 449 <= 29, 464d >= 18, 456 >= 17 and 576 <= 17 (8 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 406S1 >= 11, 481 >= 24, 617 >= 13 and 640 >= 12 (4 mutations).


Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

Corrigan, FTDNA N10033, Y-Search HFURU, 10 out of 12 fingerprint match and GD = 6.


Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

Kelly, FTDNA 41466, Y-Search GXJEB - 7 out of 12 fingerprint match and GD = 14.

DNA Signature (L21 Plus project): 513-1113-A-2.

Markers 1 to 37: 390 = 25, 437 = 16 and 448 = 18 (3 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 406S1 >= 11, 617 >= 13 and 640 = 12 (3 mutations).

Note: There are around eighty good L69.5 testing candidates that have not been tested (those that exceed 70 % of the L69.5 fingerprint). There are also around another eighteen speculative testing candidates (between a 50 to 70 % fingerprint match). These would be speculative since there was already one of these testing candidates that has already tested negative for L69.5. Broader testing of L69.5 will increase the maximum genetic distance between the two most remote submissions which will increase the odds of getting qualified as a branch on the haplotree. Also, having many L69.5 positive submissions would also prove that this branch is broader than many Y-SNPs being added to the haplotree. However, L69.5 fails the Y-SNP volatility qualification for ISOGG qualification which excludes any Y-SNP that has more than two parallel mutations.