Testing Recommendatons (January, 2013)
Candidates for L1065 testing (in order of testing priority and decreasing odds of testing positive) include:
1) For the fingerprint L1335, all testing candidates above 70 % (6 of 8 match or higher) can be tested - unless multiple submissions descend from the same oldest proven ancestor. However, over 95 % of these submissions should test positive. Since some overlap of L1065 submissions and non-L1065 submissions is expected, many lower fingerprint matches will test negative. With future additional test results available, additional fine tuning of the existing fingerprint may be required. See the L1065 spreadsheet under the DNA Results pull down menu for a listing of the 659 good testing candidates.
2) For fingerprint matches between 50 and 70
% (5 of 8 match), testing is recommended for all submissions until the true scope of L1335 is determined. The 59 testing candidates with 5 of 8 matches that are found in the DNA Results spreadsheet should be considered somewhate speculative in nature but many should test positive if the scope of L1335 tests proves broad as expected. Currently, only one submission has tested positive and no submissions have tested negative at 5 of 8 matches.
Only test for those candidates that are highlighted in green, blue or yellow. The higher in the spreadsheet, the more likely of testing positive for L1065. Only lower fingerprint matches (5 of 8) are considered speculative but many should test positive. Testing these lower fingerprint matches help discover the true scope of L1065.