William and Malinda Bellomy

William Bellomy and Malinda (Wininger) Bellomy, photograph ca. 1870, Jackson County, AL

Analysis of L658 SNP


Classification of SNP: Near private (son of DF5)

Estimated Breadth of SNP (9 of 12 match - over 70 % match): 15 to 20 submissions. Five positive submissions to date - all with surname of Cain (or variant surnames).

Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (February, 2012) - Above average - Five of fourteen submisisons that match greater than 70 % have been tested to date.

Dominant Surnames (positive): Cain and variant spellings (5).

Year that SNPs were discovered: 2011 (estimate).

Source of SNP: FTDNA WTY - Caine, 120655 (no Y-Search ID).

Number of Positive Tests (February, 2012): Five known.

Number of Negative Broad Tests (January, 2012): Only one known (and this matches L658 fingerprint at 44 %).

Number of Negative Tests within L658 fingerprint (over 70 % match): None known.

Possible Untested Candidates (over 67 % match): Around nine.

Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): None known.



L21 Off Modal Mutations:

Markers 1 to 37: 393 >= 14, 391 <= 10, 449 <= 28, 456 <= 14, 570 >= 19 and 442 <= 11 (6 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 406S1 <= 9, 534 >=16, 450 >= 9 and 520 >= 21 (4 mutations).


Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

Caine (120655) - fingerprint match (9 out of 10) and GD = 4.


Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

Griffeth (145178) - fingerprint match (4 out of 10) and GD = 9.

DNA Signature (R-L21 Plus): 21-246-1169-A.

Markers 1 to 37: 393 = 14, 391 = 10 and 442 = 11 (3 mutations).

Note: Typo for signature - actually shows 390 = 10.

Markers 38 to 67: 534 = 16 and 450 = 9 (2 mutations).

Note: There are only nine testing candidates found above 70 % of the L658 fingerprint. There was only one additional testing candidate at 60 % which appears to be a boundary condition for the L658 SNP.