The only surname currently testing positive for this Y-SNP is believed to be Campbell. This Y-SNP has not been found in any FTDNA project database and only is described in post by Thomas Krahn in Genealogy DNA forum. This post alludes to that this Y-SNP is very rare and would match Group 54 of the Campbell Surname project. All testing candidates are based on this post only. There are currently two Campbell submissions in Group 54 that belong to the Campbell DNA Surname Project.
For additional information on the Campbell DNA submissions:
Best candidates for L130 testing (in order of relatedness):
1) Campbell, Group 54, FTDNA 84267, Y-Search None, baseline according to post.
2) Campbell, Group 54. FTDNA 67452, Y-Search XY2W5, baseline according to post.
3) Ward, Y-Search 8NDXT, 12 of 13 match with fingerprint and GD = 6.
4) Duffy, Y-Search 75KDJ, 10 of 13 match with fingerprint and GD = 10
4) Many lower odds 7 of 13 matches at 67 markers: Shirley (4GECF), Powers (E7ABB, JXU29 and MA9V5), Frain (GJHBA) and Blackwell (JWYY8).
There are only around four good testing candidates found in the DNA Results spreadsheet and from the Campbell Surname project. There are also around six low odds candidates that still probably have a 5 to 10 % chance of testing positive. Only test for those candidates that are highlighted in green, turquoise or yellow. The higher on the spreadsheet, the more likely of testing positive for these Y-SNPs. Since the scope of this Y-SNP has not been tested to date, these recommendations are less reliable in either direction.