This website is dedicated to Y-SNP deep ancestry research that most directly benefits genealogists. This project is a very preliminary project and just getting under way. This project is primarily genealogically oriented and is primarily covers Y-SNPs that have been around for several months and that are believed to be "private" SNPs or "near private" SNPs. "Private" SNPs are almost exclusively one surname but could have a few NPE related surnames. "Near Private" SNPs are usually dominated by one surname but also include many other surnames. This web site will not analyze in any detail more broad SNPs like M222, L226, L159.2, DF21 and L513 which are well researched and currently being analyzed in great detail in the R-L21 Plus Yahoo forum web site. This web site will not concentrate on newly discovered Y-SNPs (discovered in the last three months) as these Y-SNPs are covered in great detail in the R-L21 Plus Yahoo forum. The main goal of this web site is to track the progress on the Y-SNPs that have less coverage and document what is known about the Y-SNPs that are hard to keep track of. Once any Y-SNP becomes more broad in nature and the breadth of any Y-SNP becomes better known, it will no longer be tracked in much detail at this web site. Eventually, L371 and L555 will eventually mature into more broad Y-SNPs.
This web site will not be limited to only "private" and "near private" Y-SNPs. Any Y-SNP that does not have broad coverage will be continued to be tracked - even after the Y-SNP has been added to the haplotree as an official haplogroup. The tracking and documentation of numerous Y-SNPs will be a challenging task and it will not always be possible keep this web site up to date. However, I will make a consistent effort to make updates and corrections as required. As this project progresses, it is hoped that others will volunteer to help track and document the status of less broad Y-SNPs and I look forward to volunteers assisting me with this project.
This web site will also assist those researchers who are relatively new deep ancestry research by providing high level summaries and links to related web sites. This web site will also document Y-STR DNA fingerprints associated with Y-SNPs. It will also provide recommendations for Y-SNP testing based on Y-STR fingerprints. It will also provide very high level summaries of the nature and status of these "private" Y-SNPs and less broad Y-SNPs. This project will also continually propose coordinated and cost effective testing that will provide maximum payback to expand our knowledge of R-L21 Y-SNPs.
Welcome to the R-L21 "Private" Project by Robert Casey. Feel free to contact me directly or post queries in the R-L21 Plus Yahoo forum. It is highly recommended that any deep ancestry researchers join R-L21 Plus Yahoo forum, an excellent source of information and communication. It is hoped that this web site can provide some organized information that can be used to get up to speed quickly on common issues for R-L21 deep ancestry research.