L195 is currently a redundant YSNP of L144. L144 currently requires two fingerprints to properly include all L144 positive submissions. These signatures are labeled 144-810 and 144-1399 in the R-L21 Plus spreadsheet. Positive L144 submissions in the 144-810 signature are dominated by the Whalen variants (4) and Brazzel variants (3), Phelan (1) surnames. The 144-810 fingerprint also includes several other surnames associated with this L144: Clark(1), McLaughlin (1) and Prosser (1). The 144-1399 fingerprint is currently only testing positive with Kendall submissions (4).
There are many good candidates for L144 testing (in order of relatedness). Only those submissions that are not proven to be related should be tested:
1) For the 144-810 signature that have over 70 % of the L144 fingerprint: Whalen (84389), Whalen (116314), Phelan (99672), Whalen (107097), Whalen (100127), Cook (90167), Fallin (211618), Phelan (109506), Barton (182076), Dorris (45460), Phelan (99152), Whalen (5QSVF), Brazzel (QEAFH), McDonald (6U6EN), Brazzil (7NH4J), Brazzil (YA77Q), Whalen (AWSAZ) and Durie (W7RTT). For the 144-1399 signature that have over 70 % of the L144 fingerprint: Kendall (205762, 212567, 181088, 113909, 209121), White (MRMJP) and Kendall (SBB3K).
2) There are many lower odds submissions worthy of testing to possibly expand the breadth of L144 (matching over 60 % of the L144 fingerprints). For the 144-810 signature: Wetmore (HS7TA) and Wetmore (QT457). For the 144-1399 signature: Doke (V9AXB), Wallin (QGZE6), Maynor (VPHN6), Cruff (UX423) and Sinclair (9QHC4).
The L144 DNA results spreadsheet includes many good testing candidates. The higher on the spreadsheet, the more likely of testing positive for these Y-SNPs. Since the scope of this Y-SNP has been tested extensively to date, recommendations that match over 70 % of the two fingerprints are more reliable for testing positive. None of the boundary conditions of these fingerprints have been well tested to date, so any match above 60 % match of the L144 fingerprints have reasonable odds to test positive. For the L195 SNP, only submissions in the lower 20 % of the fingerprint matches above 70 % of the fingerprints should be tested for L195 (as well as any submissions that test positive below 70 % match of the L144 fingerprints.