Classification of SNP: Private. L895 should be considered a redundant SNP of L894 until more testing reveals a father - son relationship. L894 is a son of Z253.
Estimated Breadth of SNP (8 of 12 match - over 67 % match): 5 to 10 submissions. Only one WTY positive submission to date with surname of Merry. None of the 8 of 12 matches or higher have tested to date (except the WTY test itself). No matches were found higher than 9 of 12 match, so L894 may be very isolated unless it tests fairly broad.
Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (March, 2012) - Below average - Only one has been tested in the L894 fingerprint that exceeds 8 of 12 match (above 67 % match). One tested out of eight known testing candidates (WTY test). All testing candidates are speculative since they do not exceed a 8 of 12 match (67 %). At 7 of 12 match, another 40 submissions were found but these submissions would be very speculative in nature.
Dominant Surnames (positive): Merry (1).
Year that SNPs were discovered: 2011 (estimate).
Source of SNP: FTDNA WTY - Merry, 12936 (U38VD).
Number of Positive Tests (March, 2012): One known (WTY).
Number of Negative Broad Tests (March, 2012): Only five known tested for L894 only, five for L895 only and four for both L894 and L895.
Number of Negative Tests within Fingerprint (over 67 % match): None known.
Possible Untested Candidates (over 67 % match): Around eight.
Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): None known.
L21 Off Modal Mutations:
Markers 1 to 37: 385b >= 16, 388 <= 10, 439 >= 11, 458 <= 16, 449 <= 28, 464c <= 16, 456 <= 15 and 576 >= 20 (8 mutations).
Markers 38 to 67: 531 >= 12, 413a <=22, 557 >=17 and 572 <= 10 (4 mutations).
Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):
DNA Fingerprint match (12 out of 12) and GD = 0.
Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):
None found above 50 % match of L894 fingerprint.
DNA Signature (Walsh): None (253-Unassigned).
Markers 1 to 37: No signature (0 mutations).
Markers 38 to 67: No signature (0 mutations).
Note: There are no testing submissions found above 70 % of the L894 fingerprint. The L894 and L895 SNPs may be a very isolated SNP if they tracks most other SNPs. There were seven addtional submissions located with a 8 of 12 match (67 % match) and another forty submissions at 7 of 12 match (58 % match). Marker 385b >= 16 appears to best track the upper portion of the queries and may represent the boundary condition of the L894 SNP. Testing of 8 of 12 matches should be considered speculative in nature and any submission with a 7 of 12 match would be very speculative in nature.