William and Malinda Bellomy

William Bellomy and Malinda (Wininger) Bellomy, photograph ca. 1870, Jackson County, AL

Analysis of L627, L626 & L625 SNPs


Classification of SNP: Near Private. Note that L627 is the son of DF5, L626 is the son of L627 and L625 is the son of L626. L625 is a probably the most private SNP under L21 to date and appears to provide a branch within the Reynolds surname cluster. Since there is very good diversity between these three SNPs, it is recommended that all three SNPs be tested for every testing candidate.

Estimated Breadth of SNP: 10 to 20 submissions.

Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (December, 2011) - Above average - Four tested out of eight possible candidates (over 70 % match of DNA fingerprint).

Dominant Surnames (positive): Reynolds (3) and Cooper (1).

Year that SNPs were discovered: 2011 (estimate).

Source of SNP: FTDNA WTY - Reynolds (20437 & S5Y63).

Number of Positive Tests (December, 2011): Four known.

Number of Negative Broad Tests (December, 2011): Only Five.

Number of Negative Tests within Fingerprint (70 %): None.

Possible Candidates (70 % match): Around 8.

Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): None known.



L21 Off Modal Mutations:

Markers 1 to 37: 19 >= 15, 391 <= 10, 385b >= 15, 389-1 >= 14, 449 <= 29, 464b >= 16, 464c <= 16, 464d <=16, 460 <= 10 and 456 >= 17 (10 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 531 >= 12 and 395S1a >= 16 (2 mutations).


Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

DNA Fingerprint match (12 out of 12) and GD =4.


Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

None tested within DNA fingerprint to date.

DNA Signature (Walsh): 21-1216.

Markers 1 to 37: 391 = 10, 385 = 11,15 and 389i = 14 (4 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 531 = 12 and 395S1a = 16 (2 mutations).

Note: There are least eight very good testing candidates that have not been tested. Any lower odds candidates (50 to 70 % fingerprint match) would be less speculative since no negative submisisons have been tested at higher than than a 50 % DNA fingerprint match.