Web Site Internet Links - Search Engines
Based on Search Engine hits to my web page
January 1, 2001 through March 20, 2001

Google 2,944 hits Google
Alta Vista 534 hits Alta Vista
Family Search 219 hits Family Search
Northern Light 202 hits Northern Light
Lycos 197 hits Lycos
Microsoft Network 195 hits Microsoft Network
All the Web 170 hits All the Web
Yahoo 158 hits Yahoo
Dog Pile 103 hits Dog Pile
All Others 167 hits

Web Site Internet Links - Genealogy Sites
Based on other web site hits to my web page

GenTree 210 hits GenTree
GenForum 207 hits GenForum
RootsWeb (USGenWeb) 200 hits RootsWeb
AccessGenealogy 209 hits AccessGenealogy
TexasNet 67 hits Old Web Site
GeoCities 31 hits
All Others 28 hits

Web Site Internet Links - Genealogy Sites
Based on my bookmarks as worthy of being saved

Ancestral File Ancestral File
Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Genealogy.com Genealogy.com
GeneaNet GeneaNet
Cyndi's - What's New Cyndi's - What's New
What's Really New What's Really New
Bob's Genealogy SIG Notes Bob's Genealogy SIG Notes