1836 Letter
To Robt. Brooks, Esq.
Talbotton, Georgia
From D. B. Brooks
Velasco, Texas

The following letter is located in the University of Texas Archives, Austin, Texas.  This letter was given to the Archives by the granddaugter of Daniel Baugh Brooks, Mary Fox Hudson.  This letter is also found in the book, “Papers of the Texas Revolution,” by John H. Jenkins.

Daniel Baugh Brooks (1.4.1) was born around 1814.  He was the son of Robert Brooks (1.4) and Frances (Baugh) Brooks and is the grandson of Jordan Brooks (1) and Mary (Cruse) Brooks.  Daniel B. Brooks married Georgia Caroline Paul and they were the parents of only one daughter, Frances Brooks.  According to Mary Fox Hudson, Daniel and Caroline Brooks had “a family disagreement” and “Mrs. Paul took her only daughter away from her husband to her home and he flew in his hot temper and joined the army.”  At the age of twenty-one, Daniel enlisted with the Georgia Volunteers as a Second Lieutenant in Texan Army.  He served only a short time in the Texas Revolution when he was killed in a small skirmish with the Mexican Army near Victoria, Texas on March 21, 1836.  This was only two months after he wrote this letter to his father.  Because Daniel died while fighting for Texas’ independence, his heirs were issued at least 3840 acres in Texas.  This is six square miles of land, a sizable amount even in that period of time.

The following letter was written on one side of three sheets of paper.  It was folded and was mailed without an envelope.  On the outside of the folded letter, it was addressed to Robt. Brooks, Esq., Talbotton, Georgia.  It was postmarked in New Orleans on March 9th.  It is highly likely that Daniel had already died before his father received his letter from Texas.  The letter contained no punctuation other than the hyphens shown.  In order to make the letter easier to read, punctuation was added.  Additionally, many words that appeared to capitalized in the middle of sentences are not shown capitalized in order to improve the readibility of the letter.  Although there were several misspelled words, these were not corrected.  The parts of the letter which contain several hyphens were sections of the letter that had been damaged over the years.


January 18th, 1836
Texas, Velasco
Mouth of Brazos River

My Dear Father,

Having written my feelings in the other sheet I will now proceed to give a more explicit explanation of this country so far as my knowledge and information extends.  I landed at this place and have seen the country for four or five miles round.  The whole that I have seen is low marchy passage five and 10 miles across.  The water courses are lined with trees and undergrowth.  Live Oak is the principle timber.  The skirts of timbered land are from 100 yards to a mile wide and as rich as lands can possibly be.  These are lands that produce 2000 pounds of cotton per acre.  The parrary lands are not quite as rich and down here they are only suitable for rice plantations owing to there lying so low on the coast.  I went up the river to Collumbia 30 miles.  There I saw some of the richest and the prettiest land in the world.  It was much higher and the woodland skirts much broader.  This is as far as I have seen.  I have been informed that the interior or up countrie is a rich high elevated healthy country affording good water and intersperced with parrary and woodland land say one third or fourth of the former.  As to game there is no end to it, of every kind.  There is 2 deer in this country for every hog in Georgia, plenty of large fat wild hogs and cows plenty of wolves panthers and bears.  In the interior Millions of buffalo and wild horses and as to fowls I sit at camp and see gangs of Brants yet 10 miles long.  Brants are a species of the goose and a person not acquainted with them would take them to be geese.  There is also plenty of geese ducks Sandhill cranes and all other kind of cranes and the Pilikin with a bill nearly as long as your arm.  In fact, this is the greatest place of fowls & Birds of all kinds that I have ever seen - the Rivers and Creeks are full of almost all kinds of fish viz Mullet Trout pearch flounder Red fish Cat fish Sheeps Head with thousands of others that I know no name for.  The Coast also abounds with all kinds of Shell fish in the greatest profussion.  Give me bread in this country and I can live hunting only with my gun & fish Hook.  Cows and Hogs grow to an enormous size here.  The milk cows are as large as the largest oxen that I ever saw in Georgia - I took a file of men and went after meat a few days past.  We killed four wild hogs about 2 years old that averaged 250 pounds net - The range for cows and hogs must be good for fifty years hence they require no more feeding than will keep them from going wild.  Northern Horses will not do as well here except (if) great care is taken of them the first year but mules do extremely well.


I feel proud that I have come to Texas although I may fall through in my calculations.  Notwithstanding the society is bad, I had rather live here than any other part of the world I have ever seen.  It would suit Robt. Crittenden to a fraction.  Let me entreat you not to neglect writing to me for to receive a letter from home would be the next greatest pleasure to being there.  Also tell all my friends that I would be more than happy to receive a letter from anybody in Georgia.  Please direct your letter to me at Matagorda care of Col. Fannin.  You will have to pay the postage or they will be stopped in New Orleans.  Please direct all the letters that you may write me between this and the first of May as above and if ——— I move from there I will inform you ————  Just got an opportunity this day of ———— to New Orleans for the letters I ———— to be but there for —————  Give my best love to my mother brothers and sisters and all my friends & relatives.  Kiss my child for me and do in the name of everything that is sacred.  Take good care of her and keep her until I return or as long as you live, mine is now a soldiers life and as such quite uncertain.  But I am contending in a glorious cause and will never disgrace the cause or sullie the name of a soldier.  My paper is now given out, I could write always but I must close my bad written and ill composed letter by assuring you I will make the best use of the time I stay in Texas and will return as soon as honor & interest will permit, until then farewell.  Yours Affectionately,

D.B. Brooks


1873 Letter
To Allen T. Brooks
From Williamson Brooks
Washington County, Texas

The following letter is in the possesion of the author of this book, Robert Brooks Casey.  This letter was given to Robert by Susie (Brooks) Danforth’s daughter, Bessie.

Williamson Brooks (2) was born on December 25, 1800 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.  Williamson was the son of Jordan Brooks (1) and Mary (Cruse) Brooks.  Williamson grew to manhood in Edgefield County, South Carolina and Putnam County, Georgia.  In 1822, Williamson Brooks married Susanah Olliff.  Williamson and Susie Brooks lived in Wilkinson and Talbot Counties in Georgia and in Pike County, Alabama. Susie (Olliff) Brooks died on September 11, 1851 and Williamson then went to live with his children in various counties in Texas.  Williamson Brooks died on May 6, 1879.

This letter was written on both sides of one sheet of paper.  The letter was probably mailed in an envelope, but the envelope has been lost over the years.  The letter was written on lined paper with purple ink and is still is in excellent condition.  The letter contained no punctuation.  In order to improve the readability of the letter, punctuation was added.  Additionally, many words were misspelled, however, these were not corrected.  The names of the places mentioned in this letter are counties of Texas, not towns.


State of Texas
Washington County
March the 14, 1873

Mr. Allen T. Brooks, wife and children,

Dear children, I seete my self to try to rite you a short letter.  This leavs me as well as I am for common but awful bad off with paines and have bin all this winter.  I left J. C. Whittingtons the 7 of January.  I went to Auston to Frank Shelburns that day and stayed thar 3 or 4 days and went to Wyatts and stayed a weeke thar.  Then to Roberts and am hear yet but I expect to start for Auston in about a week and from thar to Colorado and so on to Johns in Lavaca County and then all about thar.  I wood come out thar from hear iff I (had) company but its two cold to camp out yet.  J.C.(?) talks something like coming out thar after he lays by his crop.  Mabe iff he does come, I may come with him though I am geting mity feeble to take such long trips.  Roberts family is in fine helth at this time.  He is don planting.  His cottin is coming up.  He finisht yester day plowing out his farm.  We ar gowing to Gideons tomorrow.  It is very dry hear now.  Thar hant bin but little rain hear since I have bin hear.  Son, I have but little or no news to rite you.  I have caught rite smart of fish since I have bin hear but kild no deear nor turky but amany a squirl.  They ar thining out the horse and theafs hear in this county.  They have sent for 10 to the penapotintiary last court at brunham.  Allen my son, I dont no what ower I may drop off and I want you to have all of my little that I leave, my poney saddle and bridle my trunk and cloths that I leave.  Its little, but you had as well have them as any one else.  I maint neve see you anymore in this life and iff I dont, I want you to come and get what you can pick up of my afficts.  This is my will in my one hand riting.  You ar more needy then any of the rest of the children and I dont expect that any of them will object to your having what I leave, thar is nothing worth dividing.

I will close for this time, give my love and respects to frank and family and Willis D. and family and also to Mr. old man Hill and family and receive a portion to your self and family.

Rite soon and tell frank and Willis to rite often.  Direct your letters to Content post office, Colorado County, Texas.

Williamson Brooks


Diary and Account Book
of Francis Asberry Brooks

The following material is in the possesion of the author, Robert Brooks Casey and was given to Robert by Susie (Brooks) Danforth.  The earliest date found in this material is 1867 and the latest is 1902.  Almost all the material is dated in the late 1880’s.  The diary contains one page from 1874 and 36 pages from 1885.  Also included are approximately 50 pages of goods and services that Francis Asberry Brooks bought and sold.

Many pages contain very little writing and many show purchases of food and household goods that was purchased from local stores and neighbors.  Much of the diary describes the weather and his activities in the farming of his land.  The material is contained in a 7" by 8" composition notebook and a 8" by 12" notebook that no longer has an outside cover.  The majority of the material is written in pencil but much of it is written in ink.  The diary and account sheets contained many punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.  In order to improve readability, many corrections were made.

Francis Asberry Brooks (3) is the son Williamson Brooks (2) and Susanah (Olliff) Brooks.  Frank is the grandson of Jordan Brooks (1) and Mary (Cruse) Brooks.  Frank was born in 1837 in Georgia, moved to Alabama with his parents in 1842.  In 1868, Frank Brooks married Rhoda Hill and they were the parents of six children.  In 1883, Rhoda (Hill) Brooks died and in 1884, Frank married again to Victoria Alabama Deck.  Victoria had twelve children by her previous marriage and Frank and Victoria had one child that was born in 1885.  Frank Brooks lived near Wimberley, Texas from at least 1870 until his death in 1897.  Victoria (Deck) Brooks died in 1918 in San Antonio, Texas.

June 8, 1885

Molasses at 65¢ a gallon   3.25

51 yards Domestic at 7¢   3.57

Pencil   .15

Hat   1.75

Gloves   .45

Shoes   1.50

July 30, 1885

1½ dozen fruit jars   2.65

knifes and forks   1.50

Soap   .15

Horse Shoes   .30

Snuff   .30

Nails   1.33

February 15, 1886

Coffee Pot   .30


3 Hats   4.00

2 Suits of Clothes   20.00

Calico 6 yards at 7¢   .42

Horse Collar   2.00

2 Pair Shoes   3.50

August 25, 1886

One pound of tobacco   .50

89 pounds of bacon at 10¢   8.90

Received 1886

Received of Blackwell for hauling
of lumber and stone work   18.90

Photographs for me, Robert & Ernest   3.55

Sold one bushel of corn Bozarth   .50

Two bales of cotton to
Johnson & Johnson   80.00

One bale of cotton at 6¢ weight 522   31.32

For reviewing road   2.00

A peddler stayed all night   1.00


Frost’s Pictorial History of California   1.00

Popping the Question   1.00

Carpenter’s New Guide   3.50

Machinics for the Millwright   1.25

Ladies Guide to Crochet   1.00

Pictorial History of United States   2.00

Life of Daniel Boone and
the Hunters of Kentucky   1.00

Account of Tools and Machinery and material bought by W. H. Ferguson for partnership purposes between him and F. A. Brooks.  Account of Blacksmith tools.

1   Anvil at 16¢ per lbs   19.52

1   Pair of Bellows   28.00

2   Iron Vises $16.00 each   32.00

2   Hammers Sledge and hand   2.75

1   Drill   7.00

2   Pairs of Tongues   2.00

2   Sets of Stocks and dies   18.50

1   Hand Drill   3.00


     Nails   5.00

1   Dozen Bedside Bolts   .75

1   Drawing knife   1.75

1   Hand saw   2.50

1   Horse   65.00

Note:  Below this account is the following:

Improve the passing moments, for oppurtunity is like chafe that is driven before the storm.  Guard well the present for the future belongs to no one.

Account for 1867

Cherry plank 22 ft.   1.75

123 lbs. of iron at 4¢   4.90

70 ft. of lumber   3.50

Making one coffin   5.00

Work on plow   .75

1 Table   5.50

Account of 1868

1 Milk cow   10.00

1 Kid   .50

20 lbs of blasting powder   4.00

3½ lbs. of butter   .38

26 lbs. of wool at 12½¢ per lbs.   3.25

Account of 1868

One Dining Table   6.50

Fixing one gun   1.00

2 Bed Steads $12 each   24.00

1 Dressing Table   5.00

Fixing of clocks   1.00

Fixing of six shooter   .75

1 churn lid   .25

Account of 1881

12 yds tweed at 40¢   4.80

1 skirt   1.00

2 under shirts   1.75

5 yds. flannel at 25¢   1.25

Bread   .25


Whiskey   .40

1 Bottle of Golden Discovery   1.00

Dried Apples   2.00

Third Reader   .50

Two pair of shoes and socks   1.80

Alcohol 1 quart   .90

4 Tin plates   .25

1 comb   .15

1 Spelling Book to Dr. Hairson   5.00

To Zack Wimberley for ginning   5.00

candy and tobacco   .20

Toys   .70

Pen points and ink   .25

Ginger & Nutmeg   .20

100 lbs. of flour   4.00

Knitting needles   .10

Blueing & acid   .15

Simmon’s Liver Regulator   .50

1 Tin bucket   .60

Specticles   .25

Rice 2 lbs.   .25

1 Bottle of Dromgol’s Bitters   1.00

1 Bottle of August Flower   .75

10 yds. calico   .80

Account for 1882

One washing machine   1.50

seeds and postage   1.15

206 lbs of barbed wire   22.65

1 sack of salt   2.00

Irish potatoes   1.00

Wash pot   3.25

For ginning one bale of cotton   5.00

1 Steel rake   .75

½ dozen bottles Dromgool Bitters   5.00

1 bottle of Kenaday’s liniment   .50

Fish hooks and soda   .15


Account for 1883

Lumber for grave   5.85

Medicine Bill to Randal & Daniel   9.40

Oil Paints Book   2.40


Thursday  -  April 2, 1874

I harrowed corn til diner after dinner I plowed for Willson.  We had frost this morning.

Friday  -  April 3, 1874

I plowed for Willson again today.  We had frost again today.

Saturday  -  April 4, 1874

I finished replanting my corne today & went to mill.

Sunday  -  April 5, 1874

This is Easter.  I went to Fisher’s store today and while I was gone, the bees swormed but went back into the old gum tree.

Monday  -  April 6, 1874

I planted my grass and millet.  The bees swormed again today and we succeeded in hiving them.  Ben got into an ant bed this evening and got badly stung by them, so much that he has fever this evening.

Tuesday  -  April 7, 1874

I harrowed in my millet & grass.  It was very warm today.  In the eaving, we had a norther.  It has the appearance of being coald.

Wednesday  -  April 8, 1874

The wind blowed coald all night.  This morning, it thundered in the north & rained some about day light.  The wind has blowed coald all day.  I got up rock today.  Sam Trocelf got some bacon.

Thursday  -  April 9, 1874

It has bin coald today with high north wind.  Tonight is clear & calm.  I hauled rock.  The bees swarmed again today but as before the(y) went back to the oats ? home.  The last quarter of the moon today (at) 5 o’clock, 0 min.

Friday  -  April 10, 1874

We had a killing frost this morning.  The bees swormed again today and we hived them.  I hauled rock until dinner and after dinner I went plowing my cotton over.  Magg Hill and Ben were here and got two bushels of corn for seed.

Saturday  -  April 11, 1874

It has bin a coald south wind all day.  This eaving haysy clouds has bin plenty.  I finished planting over my cotton today.

Sunday  -  April 12, 1874


It is cloudy today with high south wind.  I went to curch today.  Parson Crow preached.

Sunday  -  February 1, 1885

A beautiful day.  I and Victory went to R. A. Pierces.  Parson Vest preached at Virginia Point school house.  ‘Quiller and Goodwil went to Mr. Smith’s.  Lee and Ben went home with Clem Henson.  Miles Deck came.  All of the children went to a meeting tonight except Robert and Ernest.  Lonnie Tanner was here and went with them.  Parson Bridges preached.

Monday  -  February 2, 1885

I went to beding corne ground again.  The children all went to scool today except Ben, him & Ernest are both a little sick.

Tuesday  -  February 3, 1885

I plowed again until dinner & then went to Wimberley got 1 gallon of oil 30 cts, $1 worth of coffee from Laney, got some figs & graps from R. Wimberley.  Set then out this eaving, Ben stayed at home again today, Mat come home this eaving sick.

Wednesday  -  February 4, 1885

Another pritty day.  I had a chill & feavor last night & have not felt well today so I never worked eny until eaving then plowed a little.  Mat has bin sick today in fact all are complaing with bad coalds.  Julia come home from scool this eaving & had like to of chocked to deth with something croup or quinzey.  It was all we could do to stop it.  We worked faithful for nearly two hours.  Ben went to scool today with the rest.

Thrusday  -  February 5, 1885

The weather continues like spring.  I tried to plow again today.  All went to school today except Julia, she is better but has been in bed all day.  Aquiller came home this evening sick.  Bob Pierce came by this evening and told me of a cow that was down.  I had taken Mat and Lee and went to help her up but when we got there, she was dead.  We skinned her.  This is two that I have lost this winter and you might say two calves for that was what was the matter with for she was in very good order.  I think it is caused by bitter acorns.

Friday  -  February 6, 1885

I have bin porley all day, Julia was better today, non of the children went to scool today, we hauled our other cotton to the gin today.

Saturday  -  February 7, 1885

A little cloddy with high southern wind.  We hauld wood til dinner, after dinner, me & Ben went to the gin, got our cotton, the bale weighed 540 lbs.  I got three pounds of garden seeds, beets, beans, cabbeg, one bottle of snuff of Laney.  I broke up Irish potato patch.


Sunday  -  February 8, 1885

Calm & clear.  Will Adar stoped as he went to San Marcos & taken dinner with us.  Miles Deck & Mag come this eaving.  Allen Skinner & Mr. Garnett passed going to San Marcos.

Monday  -  February 9, 1885

A norther blowed up last night & is prity coald, murcury down to about 25 to 30°, wind blowed all day.  Miles went to San Marcos & back today, part of the children went to scool, no work don, I have bin sick all day.

Tuesday  -  February 10, 1885

Still coald & clear, murcury 23 in the morning.  Miles went home this morning, Aquiller went home with him.  Allen Skinner & Garnett all passed back from San Marcos.  The is the only a part of the children that went to scool, som being sick.  I am still not abele to work, so the is no work don today.

Wednesday  -  February 11, 1885

Cloudy & coald, comenced raining & freezing about 12 oclock.  Mat went after Hellenia.  The was non of the children went to scool today, nearly all sick & so much feeding to do.  I am still in bed, no work don today.  The red muley brought up a young call.

Thursday  -  February 12, 1885

Still coald & cloudy, nothing of intrust.  The was non of the children went to scool today, Mat & Ben & Goodwill hauld a load of wood & load of fodder.  No work don today, I have felt better today.  Lee & Robert are both sick.

Friday  -  February 13, 1885

A little fine snow in morning but cleard off at night.  No scool today from our house.  I & Lee are still sick, but I think some better.  The is some of the boys at work in the new ground since dinner.  Hellenia & Mag are still hear this eaving.

Saturday  -  February 14, 1885

Clear & coald, plenty of ice this morning.  The hauled wood today & worked in the new ground.  I am still porley, we planted our Irish potatoes & put straw over them.  The boys went to the debate.  Mag, Julia & Bob Brooks went too.

Sunday  -  February 15, 1885

Clear and cold with high winds from the north.  Bob Brooks stayed here last night and Frank came before breakfast this morning.  We rubbed kerosine oil on some of our calves this morning for lice.  Ophelia Pierce came this evening and stayed a few minutes.


Monday  -  February 16, 1885

Clear and a little warmer.  Mat has been plowing today and the other boys have been working in the new ground.  Mart went to Lainey’s and got five cents worth of Blue Stone to (put) in my tooth.  I am still poorly and Mart, Mat and Julia are all sick tonight.  Allen is here tonight.

Tuesday  -  February 17, 1885

Clear & pleasant.  Allen stayed hear las night & he had his Sussa with him.  He got seven bbl. of corne.  We finished beding our corne ground to day.  By dinner & after dinner, me, Mat and Lee hauled up that corne from the barne.  Robert & Ernest went up to thar granpas & the other boys worked in new ground.  We burnt of the grass in the field.  Tonight —-ey ? Tanner & Mr. Pirces boys come to go a hunting.

Wednesday  -  February 18, 1885

Colder today and a norther last night about 2 o’clock.  Lee plowed in the river field before noon and Mat in the afternoon.  The other boys worked in the new ground.  Parson Yell and Mr. Floyd came and got 100 bundles of fodder at 3 cents.  Julia went to Mr. Ferguson’s this evening.  A fine boy (Sylvester Wyatt Brooks) was born tonight at eight o’clock, Mrs. Pierce was here and Mag and Helenia are still here.

Thursday  -  February 19, 1885

Smoakey with hazy clouds round the horrison with northeast wind.  Lee plowed til dinner.  I carraid Helenia home.  The boys worked in the new ground.  Teal was hear & got ten bushels of corne at 50 cts. per bushel that finished paying for the goat that I got from him last fall.  Victory is getting along fine so fare.  I don’t feel so well this eaving.  The rest are all well.  Julia has not got back from Ferguson yet.  It looks like rain soon.

Friday  -  February 20, 1885

Cloudy and cold with northeast wind with prospect for rain.  I went to the mill this morning with 1½ bushels of corn.  It was the day set for Wyatt Brooks’ trial, but his lawyer failed to come and it was put off.  Mart Ladle and Chile came and got fifteen bushels of corn.  Mr. Pierce and Sander sent (a message) to us this evening that we had a cow down up on the mountain and me and Mat went but failed to find her.  Lee and Mat plowed and the other boys worked in the new ground.  Today I have been sick.

Saturday  -  February 21, 1885

Cloudy and cold with a east wind.  Mat went back to look for the sick cow.  He met with Mr. Sanders and was shown the cow.  They found her about dead.  After trying to help her up, they left her.  Mat and the little boys went back after dinner and skinned her.  Lee plowed all day today.  Leb Deck came after Mag this evening.  Aquiller was very sick, that left us without a cook as Julia has not come home from Mr. Ferguson’s.  I feel some better today, Victory is improving very fast.


Sunday  -  February 22, 1885

Still cloudy with east wind.  Mat went after Julia this morning, she come home nearly sick.  Nothing of interest today.  Victory & the baby are still doing well.  We kep the cow Kate in the pen last night & today for she seams to be weak in her back that she can’t get up.  It comenced to rain a fine mist just before night.

Monday  -  February 23, 1885

Coald north drisley rain all day.  Nothing don today but set by the fire & feed ? all up today.

Tuesday  -  February 24, 1885

Still Coald & cloudy.  It rained this morning about 3 o’clock & thundered & lightene.  If the oald prove verb is true, frost in Aprial for thunder in February.  We will get all of our crop bit with frost the 24 fo Aprial.  It has cleard off.  I have not done enything my self today.  The boys has hin at work in the new ground.

Wednesday  -  February 25, 1885

It is hazy cloudy this morning with the clouds from (the) south & wind from the north, right coald by 12 o’clock.  It looks like clearing off.  Mat & Lee hauld wood in fore noon.  In the eaveing, me & Mart started to San Marcos with a bale of cotton.  We camped in the ceader brake.  It cleard off about dark & wind lay ?.  We faird first rate with a good logheap to sleep by.

Thursday  -  February 26, 1885

We got away from camp about sun up, got in town, sold our cotton at 9 cents cash to Johnson and Johnson.  Paid my taxes which was $11.67 and Victory’s was $1.44.  I paid the remainder on Allen’s taxes of $3.72 and I paid my account at the drug store of $3.90.  Traded at Johnson’s to the amount of $13.05 and at Donelson’s for wire and staples $7.30.  All told that I have paid out today is $49.00 and my bale of cotton came to $48.25.  I am now out of debt except what I bought at the drug store.  The boys have been at work in the new ground.  It has been a real spring day.  There are very few that have got done breaking their land and I have heard of none that has planted yet.

Friday  -  February 27, 1885

Cool and pleasant with hazy clouds.  We went and got Kate the cow up this morning and got her to the house and got her swung up by four ropes.  She dropped her calf a little crooked legged, helpless thing.  Lee plowed all day today, Mat and the other boys worked in new ground until dinner then Mat went and on the range and looked for the old mare Nervey and her colts, but failed to find them.  Sarah Hill came and stayed nearly all day today.  Mrs. Bill Justus is very sick, so is Willey Leath.  Both are said to have the consumption.  I have puddered around all day today and doctored cows.


Saturday  -  February 28, 1885

Cloudy with high south wind, looking a good deal like rain.  News came this morning that Missouria Justus was dead.  She died about one o’clock.  I went to help to dig a grave.  Just as we were finishing the grave, word came that Willia Leath was dead.  I and Mr. Jim Egger ran over to Mr. Henson’s, he had been dead about 1 or 1½ hours.  After washing and dressing the corpses, I came home very much fatigued with promiss to go back and set up.  So after supper, me, John and Bob Brooks went back, but there was so many there, that me and John Brooks came home.  Mrs. Justus was buried this evening there by her mother and father and child on the old homestead.  There were two people that both died from consumption within a little of 12 hours of each other, both raised here in the same neighborhood and was living in about one mile of each other.  Willis’ sister died this coming April two years ago with consumption.  The boys plowed and worked in the new ground.  The moon fulled today 9 o’clock this evening.

Sunday  -  March 15, 1885

It rained a very good rain from the west and the north last night.  Today it is cloudy and rather cold.  Old Kate the cow after lying in the cold rain all night is so nummed that we can’t get her up.  I think she will be dead by morning.  Mat and Ben went out to look after the old cow Sally, but as common they failed to find her.  It is a hard matter to get a boy to take a interest in anything that has anything like business in it.  If I could get my boys to take hold of business and be as energetic in it as they are in a rabbit hunt or to hunt hens nest, I would be so proud of them.  They are good boys to work, but they can’t think that one cow or horse saved is equal to two made.  A good thorough search for the Nervey mare might of saved her life and the two colts with half the trouble that it will take to save the colts.

Saturday  -  April 11, 1885

Clear with hazy clouds, west or southwest wind.  We continued to plant cotton quite a little before night and Mat and Julia went to the Well school house and me and the rest started to go to the debate at Glen Dale school house, but the foot crossing was so damaged that we had to turn back.

Wednesday  -  April 22, 1885

Rained showers off and on all night, this morning between 4 and 5 o’clock it turned all holts loose and came in torrents washing land fearful then again at about 12 o’clock it came again washing gulleys in one place and burying corn, cotton and potatoes in another and this evening the river is up about 15 or 20 feet, the biggest rise that I have ever seen in the spring, the fourth largest that there has been in 20 years.  Washed a gap in my lot fence and two places on the river.  No work done today.


Sunday  -  May 24, 1885

I went to San Marcos to tend court.  Mr. English stopped (in for) a while.  Sue and Willis Ferguson spent the day with us.  Cloudy in the morning, sunshine and clouds in the afternoon, thundering at night.  Had a mess of Irish potatoes and beans for dinner.

Sunday  -  June 21, 1885

This the hottest day we have had this year, mercury was up to 100.  I went to the Well school house to preaching again today.  Demint preached at 11 o’clock, I went to Mr. Hons for dinner, Driskill preached at 3 o’clock P. M. at the same place.  At night, Driskill preached at Glen Dale.  Mrs. Bozarth confessed and joined the church and will be baptized tomorrow at nine o’clock.

Monday  -  June 22, 1885

Hot & dry murcry 98 to day.  Me & Victry went to the Baptizing.  It was near by dinner when we got back.  Brothers Eilie ? stayed with us last night after the Baptizing.  He went home.  The boys cut fodder til dinner then I raised the Barn frain.  Mr. Billy Henson & Mr. Egger & Robert Pirce helped me.  Frank Brook is at work hear for Wyatt.

Tuesday  -  June 23, 1885

Looks a little mor like rain to.  The murcrey is 98.  The boys cut fodder & I worked on the Barn.

Wednesday  -  June 24, 1885

Some little apearance of rain to day & not so hot as yesterday.  We all worked on the Barn.  Victory went to Mr. Eggers to day.

Thursday  -  June 25, 1885

Sowers poring round.  One went east of us.  Rained a little at Eggers & Henson but nun hear.  Me & Victory went to Fishers.  Got about $13 & little over.  Taken dinner Morans.  It rained a little thar.  The boys worked on the Barn.  Frank Brooks went home.

Friday  -  June 26, 1885

Prospects for rain is still better.  In fact, we had a very good shower to day with about three or four times as mutch would help corn & marke ever thing else grow.  I have bin at work on the road.  Mat & Lee worked on the Barn.  The little boys are still hoeing in the oald cotton.  We have a bout three hundred bundles of fodder cut that is not tied & a bout four hundred tied & shocked that I dont think is hurt but the other is damedged some.  Grand Pa Adar taken dinner with us to day.


Saturday  -  June 27, 1885

Prospects still favorble, it rained a little at Mr. Eggers this eaveing.  Lighting in the west.  I worked on the road to day.  Mat & Lee fisished covering the north end of the barn all but the corn.  The little boys finished thier cotton hoeing.  The moon fulled this morning 6 oclock.

Sunday  -  June 28, 1885

The rain prospects is not quit so good as has bin tho to night we have east wind.  Me & Julia went to Sunday Scool at Glendal Scool house.  Bridges preached.  Molley & Mils Deck was hear.  Mart Ladley was hear this eaveing.

Monday  -  June 29, 1885

Showers still pasing but we cant hear of mutch rain eny whare.  We tied & hauled fodder this morning & then fixed the too front wheels of the Buggy.  This eaveing, finished shingling the half of the Barn.

Tuesday  -  June 30, 1885

The was a sower pased on both sids of me to day.  I put on the buggey tier this morning.  Since then, we have all don nothing.  Mart went this eaveing to stay with his aunt Nan.  We put a pig in the pen to fatten.

Wednesday  -  July 1, 1885

Still looks like rain to night.  I went up to help to put up an arbor to preech under up near Brother Rechrirk ?  Mat & Lee dug some holes to put up our molsses mill.  The other boys hoed cotton.

Thursday  -  July 2, 1885

It never rained last night as I thought it would tho it has bin cloudy all day & has rained a little & still looks like rain to night again & I hope & pray that we will have a good rain to night.  Me & Mat has bin at work puting up the molasses mill.  The boys hoed cotton.  We all tied up some fodder this morning.

Friday  -  July 3, 1885

Sure enough it did rain today.  It set in the night and rained until after 12 o’clock and still looks like rain again tonight tho we need plenty for this time, there were to be two barbecues today, one at Wimberley and one at Jacob’s Well.  But the rain stopped both of them and a big dance that was to be at Wimberley and a big meeting that was to have commenced tonight at the Cessum Springs.  We set out potatoes this evening.  The river was up tonight some two and half feet.  I think that the rain will make late corn good and help old corn some.

Saturday  -  July 4, 1885


Another big rain to day that washed land very bad but it looks to night like was don for a whil.  Not much of eny thing don to day.  Julia, Mat, Ben & Lee & Goodwill all went to the meeting at the Cessum Spring.  Brother Williamson & Driskill is the preachers.  I think the will ? some good don at this meeting.  Mark Deck was hear to day.